Uruguay President Vetoes Abortion Bill
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, NOV. 14, 2008 (Zenit.org).- The president of Uruguay vetoed today a measure to allow first-trimester abortions.
Tabaré Vázquez, a medical doctor, had promised a veto for what would have made Uruguay the most abortion-permissive country in South America.
Benedict XVI had encouraged Uruguayan bishops to fight for the dignity of human life when he received them in their five-yearly visit last September.
The prelates came out with a statement during their plenary assembly that ended Wednesday, noting that support of abortion breaks the link with the Church. They appealed to canon law to confirm their position that those who support abortion should not receive the Eucharist.
Uruguayan Parliament passed the measure with a 17-13 vote. They need a three-fifths majority to override the veto.
In Cathedra S. Petri Apostoli Antiochiæ ~ Duplex majus
*Commemoratio: In Vigilia S. Matthiæ Ap.*
Sat, 2/22/25:
Today is the feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Ap, at Antioch under the 1954
(double major) rub...
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